Seminar Konstruksi BTA Di Singapura
18/03/2024 -
Seminar Konstruksi Indonesia
16/11/2023 -
Lean Construction Institute Congress 2018 Di California, Amerika
20/10/2023 -
Seminar Nasional Himpunan Pembangunan Jalan Indonesia Regional Jawa Barat
20/10/2023 -
ITB Civil Engineering Expo
20/10/2023 -
18th Grand Symposium CENS UI Climate Emergency: The Need to Rethink the Built Environment to Insure Climate Resilience
20/10/2023 -
FGD “Creating World Class Project Management”
20/10/2023 -
Lean Construction in Build Tech Asia, Singapore 2023
20/10/2023 -
Indonesia Leaders Forum
20/10/2023 -
UNDIP Seminar 11th Civil Engineering Innovation Contest (CEIC)